How to Qualify

1. Make an Appointment

Contact the Accessibility Services Office at or (919) 497-3236 to schedule a meeting with the director to discuss your needs. You are also welcome to stop by our offices in Taft 107 an 111.

2. Submit Form

All interested students must submit a Request for Accommodations Form. Accessibility Services provides, arranges, and coordinates accommodations and services for individuals with disabilities. Not only is this in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act of (ADA), but it is also a part of our central purpose as a small college committed to offering an individualized approach to higher education. This is a free service to all individuals with documented physical, mental, psychological, or learning disabilities.

3. Disability Documentation

You must submit current documentation (e.g., psychological/psycho-educational evaluation, medical/diagnostic reports) from licensed physicians, psychologists, or other appropriately credentialed professionals that includes your diagnosis, how your disability impacts you as a student, and recommended accommodations.

Specific documentation guidelines below ensure that documentation is complete and supports requested accommodations and/or auxiliary aids as being necessary. A diagnosis of a disorder/impairment alone does not qualify an individual for an accommodation under applicable federal laws. For the purpose of receiving consideration for reasonable accommodations at Louisburg College, an individual must have an impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.

Qualifications of Clinician/Provider

Documentation must be typed on office or practice letterhead, dated and signed by a professional who is licensed or certified in the area for which the diagnosis is made. Name, title, license/certification credentials, and affiliations must be stated and shall not be family members or others with a close personal relationship to the individual.

Diagnosis & History

A diagnostic statement identifying the disability, including ICD or DSM classification, along with any relevant personal, psychosocial, medical, developmental and/or educational history.

Description of Diagnostic Methodology

A full description of the diagnostic methodology used, including data and measurements from appropriate evaluation instruments. The results obtained should draw a direct link to the diagnosis and the functional limitations of the disability. For cognitive disorders, evaluations should use adult norms.

Current Impact and Functional Limitations

A clear description of the current impact and functional limitations of the condition pertaining to the academic, workplace and/or residential settings. Information regarding whether symptoms are constant or episodic, and the frequency and/or duration should be addressed. Any treatments, medications, and/or assistive devices/services currently prescribed or in use should include a description of the mediating effects and potential side effects from such treatments.


Recommendations should be directly linked to the impact or functional limitations associated with the disability, or medication prescribed to control symptoms, and include a clear rationale based on level of impairment.

Adequacy of Documentation

Generally, sufficient documentation includes a psychological/psycho-educational evaluation or a letter from medical/mental health provider which addresses the areas described above. While school plans such as IEPs or 504 Plans are helpful, they do not substitute for complete and current documentation.

Likewise, other documents that are inadequate for this purpose include: documentation that is not age appropriate; testing instruments normed for children rather than adults; documentation in which screening instruments or rating scales are used as the sole diagnostic tool; medical chart notes or prescription pad notations; documents prepared for non-educational agencies (e.g., Social Security Administration, Department of Veterans Affairs).

Submission Time

Students may use the Request for Accommodations Form and submit documentation at any time, but at a minimum of 14 calendar days prior to the need for services. Accommodations cannot be provided retroactively.

Student Responsibility

The student is responsible to self-identify and to provide documentation of disability. In general, the less obvious the disability, the more information is required to assess a student’s needs and make accommodation recommendations. If the documentation is incomplete or inadequate to determine the extent of the disability or reasonable accommodation, the college has the discretion to require additional documentation, the cost of which is borne by the student.

4. Meet with Director

The student and director must meet to discuss the student’s expressed needs and concerns, service eligibility, disability documentation, and possible accommodations. If appropriate, a form is signed to enable Accessibility Services staff to disclose accommodation eligibility to the student’s instructors.

5. Review Accommodations

Once a student has been accepted, they will schedule an appointment with the director each semester to review accommodations and update disclosure release forms so that they apply to a student’s new set of instructors.