Spiritual Life

Benson Chapel

Related by faith to The United Methodist Church, Louisburg College, through the Office of Spiritual Life, focuses on the spiritual, social, physical, mental, and intellectual wellness of all of its students as we welcome and celebrate the respective faith tradition of each.

Students are encouraged to discover, explore, nurture, and practice their faith through clubs such as the student-led Spiritual Life Leadership Team, as well as various ecumenical and interfaith opportunities offered in the form of weekly chapel services, small discussion and study group meetings, leadership forums, spiritual retreats and service projects within the college community and beyond.

The Office of Spiritual Life works closely with the faculty and staff of Louisburg College. Under the direction of the college's chaplain, the office seeks to empower each student to believe in their infinite value and worth as a person who God created in his image and likeness. Additionally, the college challenges students to reflect constantly upon their faith, especially relating it to what is going on in the world, hoping they make lifelong commitments to building and serving in communities dedicated to justice and peace.