Associate of Science in Sports Science

Associate of Science in Sports Science

Sports Science is the study of how the human body moves performing physical activity and sports.  This program uses science to assist with body performance and endurance to prepare for competitions while reducing the possibility of injury.  Sports Science identifies the strengths and weaknesses within a training program to customize it for athletes, non-athletes, and all others in-between.  Students studying within this program will learn how the human body responds to physical activity and specialized movements.

The Job Outlook for Sports Science majors in the United States of America is 10% to 14% growth between now and 2032, which is faster than the national average of 3%. North Carolina has a high employment level in the area of Sports Sciences. Students who are interested in Medical Science are advised to transfer into Athletic Training, Health Education, Occupational Therapy,  Physical Therapy, Respiratory Therapy, and Recreational Science programs after they complete their degree at Louisburg College.  Graduation requirements include a minimum of 60 semester hours and at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA.

See the Associate of Science in Sports Science Degree Plan below


Year 1 - fall

Year 1 - Fall Credit Hours
ENG 111 Writing and Inquiry 3

BIO 111 General Biology I


MAT 143 Quantitative Literacy or MAT 171 Precalculus Algebra

HIS 111 World Civilization I, HIS 112 World Civilization II, HIS 131 American History to 1865, or HIS 132 American History Since 1865 3
TOTAL 13/14


Year 1 - Spring

Year 1 - Spring Credit Hours
ENG 112 Writing and Research in the Disciplines 3
BIO 104 Human Biology 4
PED 259 Prevention and Care Athletic Injury 2
PED 110 Fitness/Wellness for Life 2
PSY 150 Introduction to Psychology or SOC 210 Introduction to Sociology 3


Year 2 - fall

Year 2 - Fall Credit Hours
PED 165 Sport Science as a Career 3
BIO 168 Anatomy and Physiology I 4
HEA 110 Personal Health and Wellness 3
REL 110 World Religions, REL 211 Old Test., REL 212 New Test., REL 221 Religion in America Today 3
COM 231 Public Speaking 3


Year 2 - sPRING

Year 2 - Spring Credit Hours
SPM 279 Introduction to Sports Management 3
BIO 169 Anatomy and Physiology II 4

CIS 110 Introduction to Computers or CIS 115 Introduction to Programming

ENG 231 American Literature I, ENG 232 American Literature II, ENG 241 British Literature I, or ENGL 242 British Literature II or ART 111 Art Appreciation or MUS 110 Music Appreciation 3
CED 275 Cooperative Field Work 4


Graduation requirements include a minimum of 60 semester hours and at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA.