General College - Associate of Arts

General College - Associate of Arts

The general college degree path is strong in the humanities that provides an appropriate foundation for senior degrees such as but not limited to sociology, psychology, English, journalism, language, religion, history, humanities, philosophy, and liberal arts. Graduation requirements include a minimum of 60 semester hours and at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA

See the General College - Associate of Arts Degree Plan below


Year 1 - fall

Year 1 - Fall Credit Hours
ENG 111 Writing and Inquiry 3

ART 111 Art Appreciation or

MUS 110 Music Appreciation


MAT 143 Quantitative Literacy or

MAT 152 Statistical Methods I or

MAT 171 Precalculus Algebra

ACA 122 College Transfer Success 1

PSY 150 Introduction to Psychology or

SOC 210 Introduction to Sociology


PED 110 Fitness/Wellness for Life or

HEA 110 Personal Health/Wellness



Year 1 - Spring

Year 1 - Spring Credit Hours
ENG 112 Writing and Research in the Disciplines 3
Lab Science 4
HIS 111 World Civ. I, HIS 112 World Civ. II, HIS 131 Amer. His. to 1865, or HIS 132 Amer. His. since 1865 3
COM 231 Public Speaking 3
ART 131 Drawing I or ART 240 Painting I or ART 283 Ceramics I or DRA 111 Theatre Appr. or DRA 130 Acting I or MUS 121 Music Theory or ENG 125 Creative Writing or DAN 110 Intro to Dance 3


Year 2 - fall

Year 2 - Fall Credit Hours
REL 110 World Rel., REL 211 Old Test., REL 212 New Test., or REL 221 Religion in America Today 3
200 Level Literature 3

CIS 110 Intro to Computers or 

CIS 115 Intro to Program.

ECO 251 Micro. or ECO 252 Macro. or HIS 111 or HIS 112 or HIS 131 or HIS 132 3
Free Elective 3


Year 2 - sPRING

Year 2 - Spring Credit Hours
ENG 231 Amer. Lit I or ENG 232 Amer. Lit. II or ENG 241 Brit. Lit I or ENG 242 Brit. Lit. II 3
General Ed Elective 3
General Ed Elective 3
General Ed Elective 3
Free Elective 3


Graduation requirements include a minimum of 60 semester hours and at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA.